Keeping Food Prep Cleanfeatured

I would like to think that I’m a fairly easygoing person, however I accept that I have a few pet peeves and peculiarities, and unfortunately most of them are cooking related. At this point in our marriage, my husband (aka my sous chef) knows pretty well to steer clear of mentioning these little quirks!

One of my biggest pet peeves is cleaning carrots – specifically all those scraps from peeling them. Some are long; some are tiny. They fly everywhere and then stick to whatever surface they have found. I hate carrot peels!

What a mess!

What a mess!

This hatred has gotten worse with age because I find myself stuck in smaller and more poorly designed kitchens than I had growing up. So in order to save myself some frustration and clean up time I follow this super easy and cheap method for keeping my cutting surface clean during food prep. Are you ready for it???


Put a paper towel down. Yes. It’s that simple! I hate having to wash my cutting board between prepping all the ingredients and this cuts down on that wasted time.

All the scraps stay neatly on your paper towel.

All the scraps stay neatly on your paper towel.


I do this for any vegetable that I have to peel prior to prep as well as for garlic. Those papery skins are awful. They stick to the knife, your fingers, and the cutting board…. definitely less of an issue with the old paper towel trick.

CleaningVeggies5 CleaningVeggies6

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